South Australian Medical Heritage Society
Society Website & Virtual Museum

Welcome and please enjoy!

Professor Basil Hetzel AC, portrait.
Sir Howard Florey, portrait.

Upcoming Meetings:

July 25th, 2024

The next meeting of the SAMHS will be held on Thursday, 25th of July at the Dulwich Community Centre, 14 Union St, Dulwich at 6:00 pm.

The topic at our meeting this month provides one of those 'and now for something completely different' moments. As we learnt during the Covid-19 pandemic, the detection of virus in wastewater from particular areas in Adelaide was seemingly easy. On the 25th, Assoc. Professor Cobus Gerber will speak about some of the many substances that end up in wastewater, so it may be a case of the good, the bad and the very ugly.

A/Prof. Cobus Gerber - "Drug Residues In Wastewater: Reflecting On A Decade Of Findings"

Members and guests are welcome.

Latest Webpages:

Dr Tony Slavotinek

Dr William Angove

Sir Douglas Mawson and the Far East Antarctic Journey, 1911/1914


If you are interested in becoming a member of the
South Australian Medical Heritage Society,
please see our membership form.

If you have comments, suggestions or corrections,
please let us know :
Web Content (Ian Roberts-Thomson)
Web Editor / Web Master (Greg Sampson)
